Feira de Santana

Production Features of the LEGO Company History

Through its long history, Lego has benefited from a variety of production features. These features have enabled Lego to create some of the most popular toys in the world. These features include the development of an exclusive interlocking mechanism and the use of plastic instead of other material. These unique features enabled the company to […]

01/10/2024 00h00

Through its long history, Lego has benefited from a variety of production features. These features have enabled Lego to create some of the most popular toys in the world. These features include the development of an exclusive interlocking mechanism and the use of plastic instead of other material. These unique features enabled the company to become the top toy manufacturer in the world.

In the 1960s, the company continued to grow rapidly. Dagny, Godtfred Kirk Christiansens cousin, joined the company in 1960 as a model builder. Dagny was adept at creating large-scale models and worlds, which were displayed in the showroom. This was an excellent way to showcase the possibilities of LEGO bricks, and also to generate interest among youngsters.

In 1971 the LEGO system was expanded into new territories thanks to the addition of furniture and dollhouses. The LEGO system was further expanded in 1972 when it added of ship and boat sets with hulls that https://lego-x.com/2020/01/16/lego-company-history-production-features floated. The 1960s also saw the company begin international expansion with sales in North America through a licensing agreement with Samsonite.

In the 1980s the company continued to expand and diversify, while also modernizing. The company also incorporated an engineering and research department which was responsible for keeping the LEGO System at the forefront of technological advancement. The introduction of themed sets enabled users to create specific models without having to build it on their own. This was the beginning of more intricate construction and also allowed children to gain more hands-on experience with the legos.


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