Feira de Santana

How to Run a Successful Remote Board Meeting

As a member of a board you’re entrusted with the responsibility to make important decisions that affect the future performance of your company or organization. The choices you make are often made while in a meeting with your fellow board members, and it’s important that each person in the room is fully engaged and boardgreenroom.com […]

30/05/2024 00h00

As a member of a board you’re entrusted with the responsibility to make important decisions that affect the future performance of your company or organization. The choices you make are often made while in a meeting with your fellow board members, and it’s important that each person in the room is fully engaged and boardgreenroom.com focused. When your board meeting is conducted in a remote location, it can be difficult to keep everyone’s attention. This article will provide tips on how to conduct a remote meeting that will maximize your board’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Make sure that all participants have access to the documents, information and data needed to be productive. Consider sharing documents in advance so that participants can go through the documents prior to the meeting. This will reduce the need for attendees to ask questions that could be answered by simply reading through the document they already have access to.

Use slides that transition to highlight important details at the start of your meeting. This can include the consent agenda as well as action items and financial statements. This will give your meeting structure and help keep the conversation moving.

Encourage people to speak up when necessary to promote participation. This can be accomplished by calling a roll and announcing each attendee’s presence. Do not schedule meetings during meals times to prevent people eat in front of cameras or causing distraction for other participants.

Make sure you’ve checked your tech prior to the start of the meeting to avoid interruptions or technical errors that can waste time. It’s not common for people to overlook this step, so make an alert to everyone to guide them through the process of examining their microphones, software and cameras before the meeting begins.


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