Feira de Santana

How to Provide Protection For Your Data

In an age where personal data has become a vital commodity and is now an important concern for both individuals and companies of all sizes. A single breach can put customers at risk of identity theft or other financial damage, and it can expose companies to fines, reputational damage, and even lawsuits. There are a […]

09/08/2024 00h00

In an age where personal data has become a vital commodity and is now an important concern for both individuals and companies of all sizes. A single breach can put customers at risk of identity theft or other financial damage, and it can expose companies to fines, reputational damage, and even lawsuits. There are a myriad of ways to protect personal information and to prevent hacking and theft.


Review the amount of sensitive data your company stores in files and on computers and come up with a plan to keep it only as long as is necessary. This could include taking inventory of devices that record information, such as PIN pads and cameras for surveillance, as well as identifying connections between computers and external sources like the internet or computers used to help support your network by service providers, or even a digital copier.


Limit access to sensitive information to only those who need access to it. This decreases the chance of insider threats or losses from hackers. Pro tip: Follow a principle called least privilege. New accounts should be given the lowest level of access to sensitive data. Then increase the privileges as the account gains rank or the job requirement increases.


Passwords should be strong and complex. Easy-to-guess passwords can be hacked and used to gain unauthorized access in seconds. Do not send passwords via email in plain text. Also, encrypt all files that contain confidential or private information.



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