Feira de Santana

Data Center Virtualization Whitepapers

Data center virtualization can unlock a variety of efficiency gains in IT infrastructure that include cost savings, scalability, and disaster recovery capabilities. To reap the most benefits, IT departments must use carefully selected tools and apply the best practices. This collection of IT infrastructure whitepapers focuses on the essential components required to build and maintain […]

01/10/2024 00h00

Data center virtualization can unlock a variety of efficiency gains in IT infrastructure that include cost savings, scalability, and disaster recovery capabilities. To reap the most benefits, IT departments must use carefully selected tools and apply the best practices. This collection of IT infrastructure whitepapers focuses on the essential components required to build and maintain a modernized virtualized data center that is highly accessible, flexible and secured.

Virtualization allows numerous virtual machines to run on the same physical hardware, which means less servers are needed overall. This reduction in equipment leads to savings in equipment, power and cooling, as well as reduced maintenance costs. This also allows for better utilization of assets, which can be a major benefit to organizations that are looking to www.computersiteengineering.com/top-data-room-providers-focused-on-streamlining-work-processes/ reduce their environmental footprint. VMs can be isolated from each and each other, which means that a failure in one VM will not affect other VMs, or the hardware in use. This provides a level of security for sensitive information. The ability to scale is also available as adding or eliminating VMs without the need to purchase new hardware can be done quickly. This allows companies to adjust to changes in workload requirements and to a changing technological landscape easily.


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