Feira de Santana

Feira de Santana
2º GBM inicia fiscalização em comércio de fogos de artifício

2º GBM inicia fiscalização em comércio de fogos de artifício

O setor de atividades técnicas do 2º grupamento de bombeiros militar já iniciou as fiscalizações de vendas de fogos de...

The suitable Wife Qualities

The ideal wife is a female that combines several features that are important in a happy, healthy, and long lasting relationship....

your five Tips For Online Dating When to End up being Exclusive

Getting into a unique relationship could be a stressful experience, so it’s useful to know that it is possible to make...

Internet dating First Time frame Statistics

According to online dating first night out statistics, girls prefer guys exactly who are attractive and let them feel https://mashable.com/roundup/best-dating-sites-for-men...

How to Improve Your Marriage – Basic Things You Can Do to boost Your Marriage

Whether you will be in the starting years of the marriage and have absolutely been wedded for decades, there are things you...
Feira de Santana
Prefeitura recorre de liminar, e Justiça libera “Festa da Banana” com show de Gusttavo Lima

Prefeitura recorre de liminar, e Justiça libera “Festa da Banana” com show de Gusttavo Lima

A informação foi compartilhada na rede social da Prefeita Rosa Baitinga.

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Ex-vereador de Feira de Santana preso pela PF é transferido para Batalhão de Choque 
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