Sober living

Alcohol and Anxiety: Does Alcohol Cause Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

Pre-existing anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or panic disorder, increase the risk of heightened anxiety after alcohol consumption. Individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) or a history of alcohol dependence are also more likely to experience anxiety during withdrawal. Chronic illnesses, such as liver disease or cardiovascular conditions, can interact with alcohol […]

09/04/2021 11h34

alcohol and anxiety

Pre-existing anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or panic disorder, increase the risk of heightened anxiety after alcohol consumption. Individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) or a history of alcohol dependence are also more likely to experience anxiety during withdrawal. Chronic illnesses, such as liver disease or cardiovascular conditions, can interact with alcohol use to worsen anxiety symptoms. Alcohol consumption, depression, and anxiety are conditions that have significant implications for individual well-being and public health alcohol and anxiety both independently and together.

Side Effects of Alcohol Misuse

alcohol and anxiety

However, these results are inconsistent, and other factors may be involved. Younger individuals, particularly those in their late teens and early twenties, may be more susceptible to alcohol-induced anxiety due to the developing brain’s response to substances. Older adults may experience heightened anxiety after drinking due to age-related changes in metabolism and the body’s ability to process alcohol. As the body ages, it becomes less efficient at breaking down alcohol, leading to prolonged effects and increased anxiety. Individuals with a family history of alcohol use disorder or anxiety disorders may be genetically predisposed to developing these conditions.

alcohol and anxiety

Impact on Sleep

This includes options for NHS support, links to charities, helplines and communities, and tips on self-care. If you’re still feeling anxious after a few weeks, contact your GP surgery. Talking therapies like CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), can help you learn to spot unhelpful patterns of behaviour and help you to develop coping strategies. As the initial calm feeling fades you can feel anxiety as the effects of the alcohol wear off. However, anxiety for several days may also indicate someone has an anxiety disorder. According to a 2017 review of 63 studies, reducing alcohol intake led to improvements in both depression and anxiety.

alcohol and anxiety

Integrated Treatment Programs

alcohol and anxiety

If a person experiences alcohol withdrawal symptoms, it can create a cycle of heightened anxiety and increased alcohol misuse. While alcohol might feel like a solution in the short term, this drinking behavior comes with many problems. When people use alcohol to relieve symptoms of a mental health condition, it can quickly become a “crutch.”

What are some healthier alternatives to using alcohol for anxiety relief?

Yet, more and more, the science is pointing to the health risks of drinking alcohol. Surgeon General issued an urgent health advisory, ranking alcohol as the third leading cause of amphetamine addiction treatment cancer, right after tobacco and obesity. Surgeon General at that time sparked a pivotal change in how we perceive health and social norms when he boldly stated that tobacco is linked to cancer. “For decades, cigarette smoking was socially acceptable, with little awareness of the damage it was doing,” says Christine Maren, D.O., a board-certified physician specializing in functional medicine. Fast-forward to today, and we are facing a similar wake-up call—this time with alcohol.
