Feira de Santana

The World Uses a Variety of Different Energy Sources

The world has a wide range of different sources of energy. Fossil fuels–including oil, natural gas and coal–accounted to more than 81 percent of all energy consumed in 2018. Renewables, including wind, solar power, hydroelectricity, and biomass, account for 14 percent. Nuclear energy accounts for another 5percent. Different countries have different energy sources to balance […]

30/09/2024 00h00

The world has a wide range of different sources of energy. Fossil fuels–including oil, natural gas and coal–accounted to more than 81 percent of all energy consumed in 2018. Renewables, including wind, solar power, hydroelectricity, and biomass, account for 14 percent. Nuclear energy accounts for another 5percent. Different countries have different energy sources to balance the needs of their economy and environmental concerns.

Nature provides energy in many forms like sun, wind waves and ocean. When harnessed, and transformed into more efficient forms of dal protocollo di kyoto e oltre energy, such as heat or electricity, they are known as primary sources. When those energies are exhausted, they are nonrenewable energy sources.

The environment is harmed by many fossil fuels, and also other sources of energy that are not renewable. For instance, oil mining can cause the destruction of our planet’s virgin forests. Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) can trigger earthquakes and pollute the water. The burning of coal releases carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming.

Fortunately, many of the most promising sources of energy are sustainable and renewable. Hydropower, solar power and wind for instance, could produce electricity without having to search for fresh supplies.

Tidal and Wave Power are also sustainable energy sources that are emerging. To be used on an extensive scale, these technologies require efficient distribution networks. This requires the use of non-renewable energy sources to build these networks. These sources aren’t able to satisfy the majority of our energy needs. Still, it’s important to keep in mind that the costs for renewable energy equipment have dropped dramatically over the past few years, and their efficiency is increasing rapidly.


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