Feira de Santana

Types of Due Diligence

due diligence simplified: unpacking VDR’s advanced features A due diligence procedure is a vital element of informed decision-making, particularly before a significant transaction such as a merger acquisition. The process involves investigating and evaluating various aspects of the venture or other entity that is being considered to ensure that all parties are aware of the […]

02/09/2024 00h00

due diligence simplified: unpacking VDR’s advanced features

A due diligence procedure is a vital element of informed decision-making, particularly before a significant transaction such as a merger acquisition. The process involves investigating and evaluating various aspects of the venture or other entity that is being considered to ensure that all parties are aware of the risks involved. Due diligence may be financial, operational or legal.

Financial due diligence involves examining the financial health of a business by reviewing profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and other documents. This allows stakeholders identify potential risks and determine whether the company is a good fit for their investment. Operational due diligence examines the performance and capabilities of management IT systems, management, as well as production. This may reveal hidden risks and liabilities that may not have been disclosed in financial reports.

Legal due diligence involves the review of all legal documents, such as license agreements, contracts, lawsuits pending and other legal documents. This can uncover any legal risks or liabilities, while also making sure that the company is adhering to all legal requirements.

Sustainability due diligence is becoming increasingly important as consumers and employees demand that companies take a stand on environmental issues, like carbon neutrality. This type of due diligence can uncover a wide range of issues that have to be addressed, from the way a company handles its environmental footprint to the way it handles recycling and other sustainable practices.


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