Feira de Santana

Korea Marriage Traditions

In Korea, marriage is known as a joint decision between equally partners. It means that you have to be certain to know the details of the service. Contrary to Western traditions, the wedding couple don’t satisfy before relationship with vietnamese woman the marriage ceremony. Rather, they travel dating korean women together towards the ceremony web […]

30/04/2022 21h00

In Korea, marriage is known as a joint decision between equally partners. It means that you have to be certain to know the details of the service. Contrary to Western traditions, the wedding couple don’t satisfy before relationship with vietnamese woman the marriage ceremony. Rather, they travel dating korean women together towards the ceremony web page. Upon emerging, the groom will welcome guests in the lobby and the star of the wedding will stand it the wedding room. This allows the guests to visit with the new bride and take photos with her.


The wedding is executed by a great officiant, as well known as a teacher. During http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs369/en/ the ceremony, the bride and groom utilize special marriage ceremony hanbok. They bow to their parents and receive blessings from their website. They also perform a traditional video game called ‘catch the chestnuts and jujubes’ in order to predict just how many kids the few will have.

In the historic days and nights, marriages were hosted in the bride’s house or yard. A groom visited by equine to the bride’s house to satisfy her parents. Both the wedding couple wore formal court suits for the ceremony, though even everyone else were permitted to wear luxurious clothes prove wedding day. Through the marriage ceremony, the bride and groom are required to bend toward the other person, and during the seong-hon-rye ceremony, the couple is necessary to offer gifts to each other’s families.

Funds is also an important portion of the wedding. Friends are expected to get white envelopes made up of money to the wedding. The amount granted varies from individual to individual, depending on the relationship the couple contains with the provider. The money needs to be crisp and clean.


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